Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The President's Address to Youth

First of all congratulations to President Obama on his address to our  youth.  With his eloquence he imparted much better the same wisdom I would have.  He is a Loved Great Leader.

What he has deftly done is to establish a new national day of  message to our youth from the President.  You may be sure that henceforward the day after Labor Day will be known as “The Presidents Address to Youth Day” or some such name.  It will be hyped in the media to the extent well known.  (Until [if ever] a Conservative is elected.)

This President has at least three, likely seven, and perhaps many more addresses to be made.  So, one might ask, “What is the problem?”.   No problem as long as messages stay on the same note as the first, but do you expect that?   I don’t.  The messages will become more and more slanted toward his Socialist agenda and after three, six or seven years students will be pledging alliance to BHO against a background of a Wagnerian symphony. 

Remember Barack Hussein Obama and  his people are intelligent, very intelligent.  More intelligent than you or I; trained behind ivy walls, nurtured by Lenin, Marx, Alinsky, Ayers, Wright, and put to the test on the streets.  These are combat hardened veterans.  Do not at all underestimate the evil that lurks within their hearts.            


watchbird1 said...

Rule 42: "Only Republican presidents (i.e., Reagan, Bush) should be allowed to address the nation's youth. All others imperil the fabric of democracy."

Tom Wells said...

Yes, Matt wrote a very nice piece indeed. The only problem I had with it was the same one Jerry called out --- the "Combat Veteran" descriptor. It can't be applied to this bunch, but I might suggest that the language would fit if it read:

"These are all veterans of the assault on time-tested American values."

As to "smart", it applies only if it can be interpreted as "sly", "devious" or "disengenuous." They have come to power using a seemingly endless supply of wool, and it falls to us to clear and protect the eyes of the electorate for 2010 and 2012. Matt's blog is a great forum to help in that effort.

To that end, anyone with interested contacts outside to this group should send them the URL for Conversations Around a Wood Stove. The Obama thought police undoubtedly know about it, and we are all going on the enemies list. I'd like to share that mark of distinction with folks across the country.

watchbird1 said...

Wow. Such brilliance calls for my sunglasses.

Anonymous said...

As long as Obama gets up in front of the students and espouses conservative values such as hard work, personal responsibility and the value of education I say let him speak. As soon as he starts selling global warming, redistribution of wealth, and health care as a "right" I will have a serious problem. Otherwise he is indoctrinating the kids to be conservative. If he were to waver from this message even a little bit the outcry would keep him from continuing, people would keep their kids home en mass, and it would be a political disaster for BO.

Anonymous said...

"[W]e ought to deprecate the hazard attending ardent and susceptible minds, from being too strongly, and too early prepossessed in favor of other political systems, before they are capable of appreciating their own." --George Washington

Matt said...

As I said I have no argument with the message. My argument is with the medium. No President should be allowed to hold sway over a captive audience of gullible minds especially when those gullible minds will be furthered influenced by teachers of similar political persuasion.

When President Bush made a similar address in 1991 he was excoriated and Congressional inquiries were held. What are the chances of anything like that happening today?

It has been reasonably said that we should wait until he says something we Conservatives don't like. This exactly represents the base problem of Republicans today, afraid to play offense. Instead waiting until until they are on their own goal line down by 20 points with two minutes to go and then "offering a hand across the aisle".

I don't have the magic bullet but I would like to see Conservatives raise a stink about the use of the classroom as a political playground. If the president wants to address the youth of this country he has every opportunity to do so in prime time.

Anonymous said...

You sound like the left wing wing bats that said that wire tapping was going to lead to everyone's phone conversations being monitored, or that the Patriot Act was a violation of the constitution, or that the Bush administration was going to lead to the US becoming a theocracy, or the 9/11 was in inside job, or that panties on someone's head is torture. To say that eventually our kids will be pledging allegiance to BO due to exposure to him in the classroom is equally ridicules.