Thursday, September 24, 2009

Indoctrination in Our Schools

Maybe you thought I put too much emphasis on conservatives and libertarians cooperating on some sort of education initiative at the end of my recent seemingly endless treatise. Well check this article out - Elementary School Students Reportedly Taught Songs Praising President Obama. There was a similar incident in a private home in California. As far as I know they aren’t yet calling Obama the Dear Leader but that is the only upside. This sort of indoctrination is going on to a greater or lesser degree all over the country.

I can honestly say that when I was in grade school and high school I had no idea what the political beliefs or affiliations of my teachers were. That’s how it should be. Even in college it was less obvious than it is now where even technical courses are politicized. This nonsense has got to stop or this Republic is doomed! We are running out of daylight!

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