I say, people, we must get off this "birther" idiocy. This is right up there with Holocaust deniers, those who posit 9/11 as an "inside job", and OJ didn't do it.
It truly doesn't matter if He was born on the left side of the Moon He is the president and will be for the next three years. Bend your best efforts toward making sure He isn't president for the next seven. It is a monumental waste of time, talent, and money to pursue the "birth" issue.
Monday, October 19, 2009
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Cranks and nut jobs can never be talked out of their delusions. It's beyond their control to be rational.
Absolutely positively right, Matt. We must keep our eys on the ball.
If that Man in the White House is a total fraud as more evidence comes out, what is wrong with a small group of Americans trying to prove it, eh?
It has come out that his whole birth was fabricated; the mother was never married to the father, the father was a bigamist and a British Citizen and he is therefore a British Citizen, not American.
He was elected under false pretenses and must be thrown out.
Sorry Ken, but you're wrong, we can d both.
How do you propose we "Throw him out", and who do you propose to replace him?
It makes no difference whether or not his mother was married or that his father was a bigamist or podiatrist he was born on American soil and that fact makes him a citizen.
Hello Matt,
What proof is there?
And why is it so hard to prove?
Either he was born here or he wasn't. You have to show proof for your license, so why is he above the law and why are you putting him there?
All of his records are sealed and you are apparently willing to let him get away with it.
The rule of law doesn't matter, eh?
Either we're a Nation of Laws or a nation of men.
It's your choice. As for me, I will follow the Founders.
Truth is, most people apparently have not the will to follow the Law.
Or the Founders.
Eventually this will be resolved by the Supreme Court just as the Founders intended these questions to be resolved let's leave it to the Court. I will bet anyone a bottle of good single malt that it will be resolved in his favor.
I will not waste my time or money on lunatic fringe issues. There are MUCH more pressing problems facing this once great country.
Hello Matt,
The "lunatics" as you call them, are the ones who couldn't care less about this issue.
The Supreme Court can only hear cases that are brought before the Court.
There are still 6 or so cases left and they need to be supported.And yes, this is a Constitutional Issue, if there ever was one.
Do you GW would have been allowed to go this far if it were his Birth Certificate that was in question?
There would have been 10,000 suits brought and supportred by the media.
Actually, though, he would have been out of office because they would have impeached him by now.
BTW would you by any chance be preferring a Ron Paul presidency?
PS not being a drinking man, I would bet you a jug of good New Hampshire maple syrup.
Exactly then let us wait until it wends its way to the Supreme Court. If it ever gets there AND if they agree to hear it, AND if any of the protagonists are still alive it will be decided in BHO's favor.
You're on: A bottle of 20 year old single malt to me if you lose and a gallon of the best New Hampshire maple syrup to you if you win. Can't believe I am betting on BHO.
Sure GB would have been pilloried and posted. So what else is new.
Ron Paul? Are you kidding? But then again he would likely be better than Gov(ex) Palin.
Ron Paul over Sarah Palin?
Well, that's the difference between us.
We've had enough anti-Israel presidents, we have one now, we don't need another one.
If it's so easy to prove, why doesn't he prove it, eh?
Answer, because he CAN'T!
And he is willing to spend MILLIONS to prevent it.
That's why he put Latina Sotomayor on the Court along with future picks such as her.
They, as he, make up the law as they go along.
True what you say about the SCOTUS. That is the way it is and has been since the founding and was meant to be.
Elections have consequences, one of which is the elevation of judges to the Supreme Court. Did you expect BHO to nominate a Scalia, Roberts, or Bork? In a few short weeks or days he will be putting up another liberal to replace another Justice. With a Senate majority he will get his pick.
Now you can rant and rave about his birth location or you can use those energies to maybe, perhaps, change the complexion of the Congress next year. One thing you can be damn well sure of; BHO WILL be president in 2010. One thing he can't be sure of is if he will have the large majorities he now has. If you and others spend time, energy, and money trying to prove that that he was born in a mud hut in Kenya instead using those energies to elect Conservatives who is the winner?
Hello Matt,
There are many chores and there are many of us to do them.
I'm not a lawyer, but I'm not going to begrudge or dismiss one who is pushing these cases. They have the time and energy, so let them do it. I just read a story that says that the Obamas were not even married annd that Barry is not therefore legitimate.
I, for one, can write to blogs and put forth the case for Conservativism to the Great Unwashed, who for the most part is Conservative, but doesn't know it.I am doing what I can to educate and lead them away from liberalism and liberterrierism and other fringey distractions.
I'm still betting against Barry.
As I see it, the clothes have no emperor
PS, did you vote for Sarah as I did?
Whether or not his mother was married makes absolutely NO difference. If a person is born on American soil he is a citizen, the marital state of the parents is immaterial.
If you and others want to waste time and money pursuing this chimera so be it. Personally I think it is nothing more than a scam by Gary Kreep to extort money from the dregs of the Conservative movement.
I did reluctantly vote for the Republican ticket. In my opinion it was the weakest since Alan Keynes lost to BHO and set him on his path to the destruction of this once great nation.
I am hoping that if BHO has strong opposition in 2012 we may be able to slow our rapid decline to second world status. And by strong opposition I mean a ticket that has Sara Palin nowhere near it. She needs more experience under her bra. I like her and see her as possible future presidential timber. She should run for Ak. senator and serve a full term before she gets serious consideration.
Ok Matt, give a compelling reason, or any reason, why someone would be reluctant to show his birth certificate?
If your employer required you to show your birth certificate, under the law, what reason would you have to refuse to show him?
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