Monday, August 24, 2009

Quote for the day

Who is the very famous author of this quote:

'Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.''


Anonymous said...

Is there a prize for the right answer?

Matt Morehouse said...


Anonymous said...

So, what's the prize? Or do we have to post the answer first?

Anonymous said...

If we must post the answer first, then we shall surely hang separately.

Anonymous said...

The same dude who said that "these are the times that try mens souls."

Anonymous said...

Thomas Paine. Truly one of the most quotable individuals.

Matt Morehouse said...

Thomas Paine is the first correct answer.

Anonymous said...

So Matt, is that 9:43 or 10:40. Be careful here, or I will stop being so playful in my responses!
