Caveat on Wikipedia links: In the past there have been problems with misleading and outright untruthful postings on political issues, various candidates and elected officials as well as other well known people. The folks in control of Wikipedia claim to have addressed this issue with more safeguards. However, be warned.
From Jerry (10/17/10) another important race – Mark Kirk (R) vs. Alexi Giannoulias (D) for U. S. Senator from Illinois (See Below).
Newest Addition 10/10/10 - Three Real Important Races See Below.
It is hard to keep up with all the important races. Here is another resource at that you can use to learn about contests that may be of interest to you – Race of the Day by Brian Walsh. In addition do what you can to support Sharron Angle in her attempt to replace Harry Reid in Nevada. The Democrats will do everything they can to keep that Senate seat. If we don’t oust Harry, any significant turnaround this November will be in doubt.
Two reasons why this race is very important.
First, President Obama once held this seat. Losing it to the Republicans would be a bitter — and symbolic — blow.
Second, there are two ballots: one to seat the winner for 2011, and a second to fill out the remainder of the current term in the 111th Congress.
The victor of that would be seated right after the election on Nov.2. That could jar Democratic hopes for a post-election, lame duck session in the Senate.
What this means is that this is probably the most important race in this election cycle. If we can seat Mark Kirk in BHO's seat at the end of the election, he can block all manner of mayhem that will no doubt come from the lame duck legislature. If we can't seat him, stand by for a serious cram down of unpopular legislation. The Democrats don't really care about what the citizens want. They just want to shove us over the socialist cliff. That is because they are sure they know what is good for us, and are equally sure we don't know what is good for us. If you have any money left you might consider putting it with Kirk. That is probably where it will do the most good.
Three Real Important Races in Alaska, Nevada and Massachusetts.
I recommend that you continue to check out Brian Walsh’s TownHall column “2010 Race of the Day” (see link above) for information on the candidates in the November election. However, IMHO, there are three key races that you might want to consider for campaign contributions. One is Nevada where the polls have Harry Reid and Sharron Angle tied. Harry has just got to go. Support Sharron Angle if you can. Another is Alaska where the RINO Lisa Murkowski lost the primary to Joe Miller but is now a write in. She can’t win but she might siphon off votes for Miller. Support Joe Miller if you can. Finally there is the race in Massachusetts between Republican Sean Bielat and Rep. Barney Frank. Frank would be another venal corrupt politician whose defeat would really improve Congress.
The Alaska and Nevada races are in states that I consider mostly conservative/libertarian. We can’t afford to lose in these states and shouldn’t but there are special circumstances. In Alaska Miller will probably win (he is well ahead in the polls) but there is the Murkowski factor. Nevada is a bigger problem. Too many folks from states like California have moved there and have brought their bad voting habits with them. Angle is very important for two reasons. The first is that Reid is an egregious venal politician who does not deserve to be in the Senate or for that matter anywhere near a government post of any kind. The second is that Angle although classified as a conservative has a lot of libertarian leanings. Unless she has some incredible change in views after the election you can rely on the fact that she will not vote for anything that isn’t specifically authorized by the Constitution. In Massachusetts Frank is ahead so Bielat has an uphill battle but a Frank defeat would be a big bonus. It would mean one more venal corrupt hack politician out of Congress.
Candidates Running in Connecticut Against Richard Blumenthal
Peter Schiff (R) – Web Site, Article, YouTube Report, Wikipedia, Founder of Euro Pacific Capital, Who is Peter Schiff? A True Patriot.
Rob Simmons (R) – Web Site, Article, Wikipedia Campaign Suspended
Linda McMahon (R) – Web Site, Article, Wikipedia
The latest development in the Connecticut race - Rob Simmons has suspended his GOP primary campaign for U. S. Senate in Connecticut although his name will remain on the ballot. This leaves only two active candidates Linda McMahon and Peter Schiff. Here is Schiff’s video on this subject. Linda McMahon has a lot of money to use in a campaign against the Democrat Richard Blumenthal and she would certainly make a better Senator than the corrupt Chris Dodd who is retiring. But IMHO Peter Schiff is the guy to support. He will not sit quietly in the Senate and let these progressive/collectivists destroy the republic. I am confident he will fight them at every turn.
A new development in the Connecticut race - Dodd Won’t Seek Re-Election After Five Senate Terms. Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, a Democrat will run in Dodd’s place. This guy appears to be just a younger version of Dodd. Essentially people like Blumenthal think that government programs are the answer to all the countries problems or maybe more truthfully the answer to all his financial aspirations. Dodd has certainly done a great deal of damage during his time in the Senate so it is definitely a good thing that he will be leaving. However, continue to support your choice in Connecticut because it is important to reduce the general socialist mindset in the Congress wherever possible. Now is definitely not the time for complacency.
This is a donation request video from the Schiff campaign. Even if you don’t think you can support Schiff check it out anyway. It points out why you shouldn’t be complacent because Dodd has decided to retire. As Schiff points out we need to get rid of the mindset that people like Dodd represent not just the actual culprits.
Nevada Senate Race to Unseat Harry Reid
This is another very important race. One of these candidates will run against Harry Reid. Reid has become increasingly unpopular in Nevada but conservatives and libertarians can take no chances. This guy must be defeated. This election like the one in Connecticut has to be a no prisoners battle.
Danny Tarkanian (R) – Web Site, Article
Sue Lowden (R) – Web Site, Article
Sharron Angle (R) – Web Site, Article, Wikipedia
Chuck Kozak (R) – Web Site, Article
John Chachas (R) – Web Site, Article
Mike Wiley (R) - Web Site, Article
Mark E. Amodei (R) - Web Site, Article, Wikipedia
Mark Noonan (R) – Not Official, Web Site, SourceWatch Article, Blog Articles By Noonan
Bill Parson (R) – Web Site, Article
Robin Titus (R) – Web Site, Article
Chuck Flume (R) - Web Site, Dentist in WI (odd situation)
General article on the problems of a crowded field for Republicans. - Why having 10 candidates doesn’t help GOP.
This is a very crowded field but you might want to keep tabs on these candidates through the primary and support the candidate that emerges to challenge Harry Reid. Harry has got to go. He is one of the most corrupt members of the U. S. Senate.
Special Election in Massachusetts for the U. S. Senate Formerly Held By Ted Kennedy - Brown Wins!
This state has been pretty much a fiefdom of the Democrats and the old Kennedy clan for decades. This could be the beginning of the end at least for the extreme left of the Democratic Party.
Scott Brown (R) - Article, Web Site, Wikipedia
California U. S. Senate Race to Unseat Barbara Boxer.
This is another very important race. Boxer is a quintessential leftist who has enthusiastically participated in the unwavering march toward transforming the U. S. into a third world banana republic. Although China is far from political liberty it is important to contrast their economic policies with American leftists. The Chinese now get it. Socialist policies will not bring economic prosperity and cannot foster the growth of advanced high tech economic systems. The Chinese for example have no , I repeat, no capital gains tax. Folks like Boxer would become apoplectic if you suggest elimination of the capital gains tax.
Carleton "Carly" S. Fiorina (R) - Article, Web Site, Wikipedia
Charles S. DeVore (R) - Web Site, Article, Wikipedia
The Race in Minnesota’s 6 th District
The “progressives” in the Peoples’ Republic of Minnesota will stop at nothing to unseat Michele Bachmann. Here is a typical example on Huffington Post . The MN socialists have already captured both Senators. This is a must keep conservative seat in the House. Some recent news – Minnesota Poll: Bachmann "in a solid position politically" . But remember we are close to an economic cliff. This is no time for complacency.
Michele Bachmann (R) - Web Site, Article, Wikipedia, Gov Site
The Senate Race in Florida
Marco Rubio (R) – Web Site, Article, Wikipedia
Charlie Crist (R) – Web Site, Article, Wikipedia
George LeMieux (R) is the current junior Senator from Florida and was appointed by Charlie Crist as a seat warmer.
Marco Rubio makes a good case that Crist is a RINO and not someone that conservatives and libertarians want in the Senate.
Race in Florida’s District 22
Allen West (R) – Web Site, Article, Wikipedia, YouTube