On May 6, 2 Yo, the New York Stock Exchange’s Dow Industrial Average plummeted over $1,000 in an extremely short period of time. This is certainly unusual, to say the least. I heard that the porn watchers over at SEC were distracted from their assigned task of protecting us from naked folks getting it on long enough to determine that somebody had simply entered a computer transaction to sell 16 gigashares of a stock when the correct order was to sell a mere 16 megashares of that same stock. Never mind that an order to sell even the supposed correct amount of shares in a single company seems rather on the high side, almost like insider trading knowing that a company, a bank for example, is about to be assimilated by the collective at the Chief Executive Inn and Suites, but I would think, and I frankly admit that I’m not smart enough to get a well-compensated gig at SEC watching Debby do Dallas, that a 16 gigashare sell order might sound an alarm somewhere, anywhere. I heard that Debby knew about it immediately, but as a working girl I suspect she knows the value of money and doing a job right.
But consider these numbers. Last January 25, I began tracking the daily New York Stock Exchange volume. I get this number direct form the source, http://www.nyse.com/. About 7:55 AM ET the morning of May 7, 2 Yo, I took a screenshot before the market opened for the day. It shows the NYSE Listed Volume at 10,484,824,000. As this was snapped prior to the start of trading, it would be the May 6 volume. Any value of 10 or so billion is less than any value of 16 or so billion. Makes me wonder.
Because of problems with my ISP, I was unable to get the volume for March 15, 2 Yo, but excluding that I find the following Excel calculated table informative for the dates January 25 - May 5, 2 Yo inclusive:
Max Vol 8,108,469,000
Min Vol 3,774,678,000
Mean Vol 4,926,597,529
Mode Vol 4,521,047,000
Med Vol 4,687,405,500
Statistically speaking there are three types of average, a point not lost on the liars in dee cee since when most people hear the word average they think of how Miss Grundy determined Archie Andrews’ English grade by averaging his test scores. This technique is properly called the mean. The median average is determined by ranking the scores in order (high to low or low to high - doesn’t matter) and picking the one exactly in the middle. For example, given the numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, we note that there are two numbers to the left of the 6 and two to its right. 6 is the one in the middle and thus the median. Another way of thinking of median, and one I suspect is taught the SEC voyeurs is to just imagine the unsuspecting waitress at La Brasserie, a restaurant near kapital heil in dee cee, who allegedly had a close encounter simultaneously with sinaters krispie-kritter dudd and toddy-boy kon-eddy, http://sonsoftherepublic.blogspot.com/2005/08/kennedy-dodd-waitress-sandwich.html. I hope the poor lady received a large stipend for being the median of a non-menu item.
Mode is simply the number that occurs the most often, receives the most votes so to speak. So based on my hopefully accurately copied numbers, since towards the end of last January the largest volume was just over 8 gigashares which occurred on April 16 in celebration of tiny timmie’s getting his ol’ tax returns filed on time. Mathematically speaking, and I’m certainly no Stephen Hawking, 16 of anything is about double 8 of anything. And no alarms went off?????? Maybe the dedicated video peeping-toms at SEC should spend their time taking a finite math class instead. I believe Miss Grundy teaches one in which they’d fit.
And I understand that the official unemployment rate increased from 9.7% to 9.9% even though beavisbud saved or created 290,000 jobs. Huh?
A few other points to ponder:
1) As pointed out by Glenn Beck the morning of 5/10, U.S. T-Bills tend to benefit whenever there is a sharp decline in the DOW.
2) The regime credits a huge influx of off-the-rolls unemployed inspired by the huge increase of available jobs with the rise in the Unemployment Rate. But if there are so many jobs why are they unemployed? And why did the discouraged worker rate increase to 17.1%? These statistics are as reported by The Washington Post http://voices.washingtonpost.com/economy-watch/2010/05/truer_unemployment_rate_rises_2.html
3) I used to be a Food Stamps Caseworker which made me a state employee. Every time I entered a transaction into the state computer, all my supervisors had next day access to everything I had done. The only reason they did not have instant access was because in those prehistoric times before obummer, these transactions were processed overnight. But they had the reports on their desks the next morning. So why 20 years of technological advances later do we still not know the fat-fingered culprit who hit a ‘g’ instead of an ‘m’?
4) Take a look at your standard qwerty keyboard and tell me how easy it is to aim for the m-key but hit the g-key one row up and 3 keys to the left. I could do it, but I’m an incredibly clumsy old man who suffered a stroke 30 months ago.
5) Is it a mere coincidence that this plunge occurred while the obummerites are lambasting Wall Street?
So you betcha I smell living dead rats trapped inside the wall and they’re stinking up OUR Country.
Anyone who’d like a copy of that NYSE screen shot or my Excel spreadsheet with my financial numbers, just drop me a request at gill.Oteen07041776@gmail.com
Posted by Gill O Teen
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Amend the Constitution!
The Constitution was never meant to be interpreted as it is today. This fast and loose attitude that the collectivists which includes many of our judges have toward the Constitution is now endemic and accepted. This is why ultimately I think we have got to amend the Constitution either via the process that starts with the Congress as it has been done in the past or via a constitutional convention. We have only had one such convention in our history.
We not only have to undo the evil that has been done by this fast and loose attitude but we have to keep the collectivists from just biding their time and when conditions are right repeating the process of undermining the republic. Here are my favorite amendments:
1. A balanced budget Amendment with real teeth like the one from Representatives Jeb Hensarling of Texas , Mike Pence of Indiana and John Campbell of California.
2. Repeal of the 16th Amendment that also makes plain that only consumption taxes like the FairTax are henceforth permitted cutting off the massive money pipeline that politicians use to punish enemies, reward friends and of course reward themselves.
3. An original language or original intent amendment that makes clear that the bogus and sophistic "living document"/ "general welfare" concept is henceforth banished from American jurisprudence.
4. An amendment that either abolishes the Fed or at the very least backs the dollar with precious metals so that out of control money creation is stopped.
5. An amendment that explicitly makes the commerce clause (in Article I Section 8) more restrictive and in line with its original intent, i.e. limits its applicability to acts by the states that are in restraint of trade such as duties, tariffs, subsidies, etc.
6. Repeal of the 17th Amendment and a return to Senators being appointed by the state legislatures so that the original idea of preserving state sovereignty is protected.
Now before you decide this is a bogus idea because (A) it is too hard to amend the Constitution (It’s supposed to be BTW), (B) it is a lengthy process and we don’t have time or (C) the collectivists will get into the process and we will end up with a document that looks like the EU constitution (now called a treaty) let me remind you how much damage has already been and will be done by just ignoring the Constitution as collectivists are want to do.
I contend that just using this process of ignoring the real intent by using the “general welfare/living document” argument and the almost limitless interpretation of the commerce clause collectivists will render the Constitution totally irrelevant in a few more years. In fact if you notice they barely used any arguments at all either constitutional or otherwise to pass this health care monstrosity. They just did it because they are the “ruling” class and they know best. Somehow that has to be stopped or this constitutional democratic republic will cease to exist before this decade has ended.
Ask yourself these questions. If without explicit amendments to reestablish the Constitution as a document to enforce limited government, can limited government ever exist here again? If we don’t amend the Constitution along the lines I have suggested at this late date how are we going to stop the sort of attitude displayed here by these two Congressman Phil Hare and impeached federal judge Alcee Hastings?
It is totally out of control folks. We may be able to slow things down this November and even reverse a few things in November of 2012 but remember this. The collectivists won’t go away and they will resume their incessant effort to circumvent, undermine and render ineffective the Constitution in anyway they can.
The Washington D. C. culture of money and power will not disappear. At least some of the folks that are elected by conservative and libertarian mined folks will get co-opted by the Washington D. C. culture. The collectivists will continue to use the D. C. culture to subvert the idea of a limited constitutional democratic republic.
With properly worded amendments a lot of power will be drained from this culture and we would have a fighting chance to maintain the republic. IMHO if we don’t resolve to do this eventually the only way to get back to a limited constitutional democratic republic will be the way the Founders had to do it. Their war was nearly a decade. Ours could be ten times that long. Even the youngest of our relatives and friends may not live to see it. In fact it could well disappear for all time.
We not only have to undo the evil that has been done by this fast and loose attitude but we have to keep the collectivists from just biding their time and when conditions are right repeating the process of undermining the republic. Here are my favorite amendments:
1. A balanced budget Amendment with real teeth like the one from Representatives Jeb Hensarling of Texas , Mike Pence of Indiana and John Campbell of California.
2. Repeal of the 16th Amendment that also makes plain that only consumption taxes like the FairTax are henceforth permitted cutting off the massive money pipeline that politicians use to punish enemies, reward friends and of course reward themselves.
3. An original language or original intent amendment that makes clear that the bogus and sophistic "living document"/ "general welfare" concept is henceforth banished from American jurisprudence.
4. An amendment that either abolishes the Fed or at the very least backs the dollar with precious metals so that out of control money creation is stopped.
5. An amendment that explicitly makes the commerce clause (in Article I Section 8) more restrictive and in line with its original intent, i.e. limits its applicability to acts by the states that are in restraint of trade such as duties, tariffs, subsidies, etc.
6. Repeal of the 17th Amendment and a return to Senators being appointed by the state legislatures so that the original idea of preserving state sovereignty is protected.
Now before you decide this is a bogus idea because (A) it is too hard to amend the Constitution (It’s supposed to be BTW), (B) it is a lengthy process and we don’t have time or (C) the collectivists will get into the process and we will end up with a document that looks like the EU constitution (now called a treaty) let me remind you how much damage has already been and will be done by just ignoring the Constitution as collectivists are want to do.
I contend that just using this process of ignoring the real intent by using the “general welfare/living document” argument and the almost limitless interpretation of the commerce clause collectivists will render the Constitution totally irrelevant in a few more years. In fact if you notice they barely used any arguments at all either constitutional or otherwise to pass this health care monstrosity. They just did it because they are the “ruling” class and they know best. Somehow that has to be stopped or this constitutional democratic republic will cease to exist before this decade has ended.
Ask yourself these questions. If without explicit amendments to reestablish the Constitution as a document to enforce limited government, can limited government ever exist here again? If we don’t amend the Constitution along the lines I have suggested at this late date how are we going to stop the sort of attitude displayed here by these two Congressman Phil Hare and impeached federal judge Alcee Hastings?
It is totally out of control folks. We may be able to slow things down this November and even reverse a few things in November of 2012 but remember this. The collectivists won’t go away and they will resume their incessant effort to circumvent, undermine and render ineffective the Constitution in anyway they can.
The Washington D. C. culture of money and power will not disappear. At least some of the folks that are elected by conservative and libertarian mined folks will get co-opted by the Washington D. C. culture. The collectivists will continue to use the D. C. culture to subvert the idea of a limited constitutional democratic republic.
With properly worded amendments a lot of power will be drained from this culture and we would have a fighting chance to maintain the republic. IMHO if we don’t resolve to do this eventually the only way to get back to a limited constitutional democratic republic will be the way the Founders had to do it. Their war was nearly a decade. Ours could be ten times that long. Even the youngest of our relatives and friends may not live to see it. In fact it could well disappear for all time.
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